Saturday 27 October 2012

Flower power!

My good people I must tell you, I have been dreaming, breathing and fantasizing of my fashion-filled future. There is so much I want to achieve, so great that I want to be, the best damn, blessed thing in the fashion industry, both here and beyond! I have been having an overflow of amazing-ness from my inner core. My ambitions have been my driving force lately. Looking and wanting that hands-on experience. I want to get there and be there! I am at that point in life, starting out my journey to greatness, it is like a taste of heaven! No other words can describe this amazing feeling! Anyone close to me knows I’ve been on an ambition high!

In current news, the sun was out with a mission today, I wore a floral skirt, a mustard vest…

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love this skirt. It’s so cute, and can be paired into several outfits! This skirt is like a cloth BFF to me, always there when I need it! here’s closer look at the skirt…

Am still on my ambition-high, greatness is calling out to me!

Watch this space!

Miss Vavavum


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