Monday 4 April 2016

Dera Delights

Wow! Four months of no posts!! As a writer, It's been killing me slowly on the inside, I am at a point that I draw so much joy in crafting long emails/texts just so that I feel like I got my writing game on, moving on very swiftly.. A lot has been cooking during my silence, I am proud to introduce, the #OwnYourCulture site, featuring amazing women and original African style. I am excited at this growth and to see my visuals come to life. I created this space to share all things African, well the very best of the fashion and art side, featuring majorly, traditional jewelry. The site contains many different sections, the main page features top Nairobi women in the creative field. The second part- stylista of the week features celebrities or everyday trendsetter who have made #OwnYourCulture what it is. The other part is the shop that features both locally sourced pieces and jewelry I designed myself. On the site is included archive photos of the beginning of the #OwnYourCulture movement and some of the creative collaborations we have undertaken. Our first post will be on Amanda of Dera Delights, colorful timeless Deras.

Check out the new site here;
photo; John Kulamoto
Deras: Dera Delights

Miss Vavavum

1 comment:

Tout Sur l'Afrique said...

Wow, nice one, you are back to blogging. Pretty exciting.
Lovely jewerlries and dresses. Love it :-)