Friday, 4 April 2014

Fashion Revolution Day Kenya

Have you ever stopped to think where your clothes come from? Not the shop or brand, beyond that, do you know where it’s actually stitched together into one?
Well for those who know me, you know and understand how deeply involved with fashion I am. Every Wednesday, together with fellow industry members we brainstorm a way forward for this beloved industry of ours. The fashion focus group is held at the Kiko Romeo Store c/o the great hearted Ann Mccreath.
Read about it here; Kenya Fashion Focus Group and an interesting insight: Kenyan Fashion: I BLAME YOU!
Back to the point, yes.. do you know who made your clothes? Are you aware of the supply chain process? Do you know how many lies are dependent on just that one purchase? On the 24th of April individuals in the fashion industry from the world over, will come together to commemorate the Rana Plaza disaster to,  In their own words:
On April 24th last year, 1133 people were killed when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Many more were injured. Today, people are still suffering as a direct result of our fashion supply chain.

Fashion Revolution Day says enough is enough.
The idea behind this day is to get every individual in the fashion industry talking about where clothes they create come from, the actual journey that clothing items travel to reach us. This day  will celebrate good practice, raise awareness of key issues and continue to campaign for change.

Get on instagram/ twitter/facebook, upload your pic wearing your cloth inside out and tag #insideOut @fashion_rev asking that specific brand you're wearing, ‘Who Made My Clothes’

Join in the movement and let us build the Kenyan Fashion Industry!

Myself wearing my top #insideout 

My friend and designer wearing her coat #InsideOut

For more info visit or visit the facebook page Fashion Revolution Kenya
Miss Vavavum


Unknown said...

I heard about the Wednesday movement group. I will attend one soon and be a part of it:)

Miss Vavavum said...

You're more than welcome to join in!