Thursday, 28 November 2013

Because Art Is Life

Have you ever stopped and wondered how the world would be without creative people? As I have mentioned a million times before I am sucker for art; I love It, color, drawings, sculptures, paintings, I just can't get enough!  And If I could, I would very much be satisfied to be an art piece but then again, for arguments sake, I am already God's living, breathing masterpiece (just saying, just saying...)
 A few weeks back, I had the amazing chance to work with some creative and brilliant minds. This dress is made of canvas. I was instantly attracted to it, the colors on it against the canvas, well and perhaps the fact that it's A-line. Perfect for a red carpet If you ask me.

It's through artistic and creative beings, we have a glimpse of heaven
Six inch red bottom heels give me life!!

Art by/Designer Nur Jeffah

Photography by Quaint Photography

Miss Vavavum

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