Are you as excited about life as I am?! To wake up each morning to a day/ night full of great and numerous opportunities! You got to love life right? To be able to be alive and enjoy each moment as your heart pumps life through you and to all around you. It's truly amazing isn't it? With a new year, comes a new positive attitudes and circumstances, celebrate and have fun, each moment you're alive! In that spirit a little Chinese food indulgence has been the order of my weekends!
For the love of Nyama Choma(Swahili for Roast Meat)
We are just cool people, nothing less ;)
Fat train alert!!
And I am happy to announce the mane has grooowwwwnnn!! The mane now has rules of it's own, curling at it's own pleasure. But there is nothing a few pins can't fix ;)
How do you like the new look of the blog? Do let me know!
Have yourselves a powerful week!
Miss Vavavum